Morocco: Rabat
I still remember the day Nami and I went to Rabat for the second time. It was j…
1. Ketika lo tiba-tiba keceplosan ngomong bahasa Indonesia pas mau ngajak hostsis jalan. "Eh kita mau kemana sih?" "......…
Hi! I have 3 classes that are using computer, and I always have extra time in all those classes. So I have a lot of time to update my blog …
4 dari 8 anak exchange students Nacel Open Door punya blog! Okay these are the links of their blogs: Click on their photo to be directed…
Sekitar seminggu yang lalu. I was in the bedroom, reading something when Sarah ran upstairs, hurriedly with a letter on her hand: "Tas…
Yesterday I watched a concert in Salt Lake City, and it was: Owl City's Midsummer Station concert! Yihaaaa! It's been a year since…
I still remember the day Nami and I went to Rabat for the second time. It was j…
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