Morocco: Rabat
I still remember the day Nami and I went to Rabat for the second time. It was j…
I still remember the day Nami and I went to Rabat for the second time. It was just the two of us; with our backpack, ready to attend…
Indonesia is one of the first countries that acknowledged the independence of Morocco. That's why the King named one of the street …
20th of August, 2016. It's my 6th weeks in Morocco. Almost time to go home. I am currently on a train to Casablanca, where I…
Alangkah anehnya suatu hari mereka ada, hari berikutnya mereka raib ditelan waktu. Teruntuk yang telah tiada. I do not know how to expr…
I found my dad's 30 years old camera couple years ago, but I just started using it last year. It's a Nikon FG-20 and is in a very g…
Hi! I wanted to share about an event named Imagination Day in my uni. We don't celebrate halloween, we don't typically dress up to …
Today is the last day of February. Just want to share the playlist that I've been hearing this month. Bisa dibilang lagu-lagu bulan i…
I still remember the day Nami and I went to Rabat for the second time. It was j…
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