Things That I Keep Coming Back to Every Time I Deactivate My Instagram

Trying to write a newsletter-style blog post, now that I am sitting by myself waiting for the rain to stop in a random Starbucks near by my…

Staying at Hostels!

I had the opportunity to write for Before Monday! Check em out here !

San Francisco Thoughts.

10 years ago the 16 years old Tasya visited San Francisco. To be honest I didn't remember much of it besides the beautiful foggy weathe…

Quarantine Updates #3: One Year Later

I am currently in the middle of finishing an important deadline but me being me ended up on this blog and my brain is actively contributed …

Quarantine Updates #2: Self Reflection

Hari ini menandakan bulan keempat masa karantina mandiri di rumah. Di tengah masa PSBB yang simpang-siur harus gini-gitu, berikut dengan ba…

Quarantine Updates #1

How are you doing? Saya tengah bangun sejak kemarin pukul 12 siang. Sekarang pukul 9 malam, yang menjadikan masa terjaga saya sudah sekita…

I am Back!

Let's start this post by listening to this great Putumayo "Cairo to Casablanca" that randomly popped out in my Youtube…

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