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greetings world! we are Indonesian!      random shoots from my camera. yeah. these photos were taken in France, June-July. I was b…

Hustle. Siul. Hustle.

Hustle - by Tunng When I come home, you won't be there any more When I come home, you won't be …


Hello everyone! Nice to see you! *okay i know we cannot see each other. anggap saja kita berpapasan sekarang* Sudah lama kita tidak bersu…

Menggambar Cita-CIta #eh

hehehe, saya buat gambar banner baru :p abisnya pusing mau buat apa, trus pas waktu itu lagi kebaktian, disuruh gambar satu lambang yang …


#1 YOGYA i visited yogya in nov or maybe on dec. This place was great! i got many good pictures in here. Bravo Yogya! #2 Bali i visited thi…